A Fistful of Meg

"A Fistful of Meg" is the fourth episode of the twelfth season and the 214th overall episode of the animated comedy series Family Guy. It aired on Fox in the United States and Canada on November 10, 2013, and is written by Dominic Bianchi and Joe Vaux and directed by Joe Vaux. In the episode, Meg tries to get out of a fight with a tough bully while Brian retaliates against Peter for posing naked.

A Fistful of Meg

"A Fistful of Meg" is the fourth episode of the twelfth season and the 214th overall episode of the animated comedy series Family Guy. It aired on Fox in the United States and Canada on November 10, 2013, and is written by Dominic Bianchi and Joe Vaux and directed by Joe Vaux. In the episode, Meg tries to get out of a fight with a tough bully while Brian retaliates against Peter for posing naked.