A Tale of Two Cities (1946 film)

A Tale of Two Cities was a 1946 propaganda/documentary film about the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, produced by the Army-Navy Screen Magazine. The film chronologically, and for the most part, neutrally, describes the testing and the use of the atomic bombs impact on Hiroshima, describing where the bomb was actually dropped, and the damage done to military industrial targets, as well as noting which edifices sustained less damage, like those built with reinforced concrete. An interview is shown with a Jesuit priest, who describes his experience, and notes that he believes that approximately 100,000 people died.

A Tale of Two Cities (1946 film)

A Tale of Two Cities was a 1946 propaganda/documentary film about the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, produced by the Army-Navy Screen Magazine. The film chronologically, and for the most part, neutrally, describes the testing and the use of the atomic bombs impact on Hiroshima, describing where the bomb was actually dropped, and the damage done to military industrial targets, as well as noting which edifices sustained less damage, like those built with reinforced concrete. An interview is shown with a Jesuit priest, who describes his experience, and notes that he believes that approximately 100,000 people died.