A Time to Keep Silence

A Time to Keep Silence (1953) is a travel book by British author Patrick Leigh Fermor. It describes Fermor's sojourns in monasteries across Europe, and is praised by William Dalrymple as a "sublime masterpiece". After revision, an open edition was published by John Murray in 1957. The monasteries discussed include the Abbey of St. Wandrille, Solesmes Abbey and La Grande Trappe. The title is from the Book of Ecclesiastes (Ecclesiastes 3:7).

A Time to Keep Silence

A Time to Keep Silence (1953) is a travel book by British author Patrick Leigh Fermor. It describes Fermor's sojourns in monasteries across Europe, and is praised by William Dalrymple as a "sublime masterpiece". After revision, an open edition was published by John Murray in 1957. The monasteries discussed include the Abbey of St. Wandrille, Solesmes Abbey and La Grande Trappe. The title is from the Book of Ecclesiastes (Ecclesiastes 3:7).