Abrahams Commission

The Abrahams Commission (also known the Land Commission) was a commission appointed by the Nyasaland government in 1946 to enquire into land issues in Nyasaland following riots and disturbances by tenants on European-owned estates in Blantyre and Cholo districts in 1943 and 1945. It had only one member, Sir Sidney Abrahams, a Privy Counsellor and lawyer, the former Attorney General of the Gold Coast, Zanzibar and Uganda, and former Chief Justice of Uganda and then Ceylon. There had been previous reviews considering the uneven distribution of land between Africans and European, the shortage of land for subsistence farming and the position of tenants on private estates. These included the Jackson Land Commission in 1920, the Ormsby-Gore East Africa Commission on 1924 and most recently the Be

Abrahams Commission

The Abrahams Commission (also known the Land Commission) was a commission appointed by the Nyasaland government in 1946 to enquire into land issues in Nyasaland following riots and disturbances by tenants on European-owned estates in Blantyre and Cholo districts in 1943 and 1945. It had only one member, Sir Sidney Abrahams, a Privy Counsellor and lawyer, the former Attorney General of the Gold Coast, Zanzibar and Uganda, and former Chief Justice of Uganda and then Ceylon. There had been previous reviews considering the uneven distribution of land between Africans and European, the shortage of land for subsistence farming and the position of tenants on private estates. These included the Jackson Land Commission in 1920, the Ormsby-Gore East Africa Commission on 1924 and most recently the Be