Abu Amr Ishaq ibn Mirar al-Shaybani

Abu Amr Ishaq ibn Mirar al-Shaybani (ca. 738 – unclear, probably 828) was a prominent lexicographer and collector of Arabic poetry of Kufa. Abu Amr, as he was commonly called, was born ca. 738 in Kufa. His mother was a Nabataean, and he reportedly knew a little of the Nabataean language. His nisba "al-Shaybani" denotes a connection to the Arab tribe of Shayban, but its nature is unclear; most likely, he was a mawla of the tribe, and received the nisba by serving as tutor to the sons of some Shaybani tribesmen. He lived to a very great age, and although several dates for his death are given, he most probably died in 828.

Abu Amr Ishaq ibn Mirar al-Shaybani

Abu Amr Ishaq ibn Mirar al-Shaybani (ca. 738 – unclear, probably 828) was a prominent lexicographer and collector of Arabic poetry of Kufa. Abu Amr, as he was commonly called, was born ca. 738 in Kufa. His mother was a Nabataean, and he reportedly knew a little of the Nabataean language. His nisba "al-Shaybani" denotes a connection to the Arab tribe of Shayban, but its nature is unclear; most likely, he was a mawla of the tribe, and received the nisba by serving as tutor to the sons of some Shaybani tribesmen. He lived to a very great age, and although several dates for his death are given, he most probably died in 828.