Accuracy (company)

Accuracy is a financial advisory firm based out of Paris, France. It was founded in 2004 by a team of seven former Arthur Andersen partners including Frederic Duponchel, who is Accuracy's CEO. The firm had 220 consultants in 2013. Accuracy has offices in multiple countries including Spain, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Belgium, the U.K. and India. Accuracy acts an independent financial consultant and provides financial expertise to corporations on multiple transactions and situations.

Accuracy (company)

Accuracy is a financial advisory firm based out of Paris, France. It was founded in 2004 by a team of seven former Arthur Andersen partners including Frederic Duponchel, who is Accuracy's CEO. The firm had 220 consultants in 2013. Accuracy has offices in multiple countries including Spain, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Belgium, the U.K. and India. Accuracy acts an independent financial consultant and provides financial expertise to corporations on multiple transactions and situations.