Acinos alpinus

Rock thyme (Acinos alpinus) is a perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family. Synonyms include Calamintha alpina (L.) Lam., Thymus alpinus (L.), and Satureja alpina (L.). There are two subspecies of rock thyme: A. alpinus meriodionalis, with smaller flowers; and A. alpinus majoranifolius, which grows in smaller bunches. Rock thyme is sometimes used in pharmacology for its diaphoretic and antipyretic properties. In addition, it can be brewed and served as tea.

Acinos alpinus

Rock thyme (Acinos alpinus) is a perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family. Synonyms include Calamintha alpina (L.) Lam., Thymus alpinus (L.), and Satureja alpina (L.). There are two subspecies of rock thyme: A. alpinus meriodionalis, with smaller flowers; and A. alpinus majoranifolius, which grows in smaller bunches. Rock thyme is sometimes used in pharmacology for its diaphoretic and antipyretic properties. In addition, it can be brewed and served as tea.