Action Front for Renewal and Development

The Action Front for Renewal and Development (French: Front d'action pour le renouveau et le développement, FARD-Alafia) is an political party in Benin. FARD-Alafia was founded in 1994 and supported the candidacy of Mathieu Kérékou in the 1996 presidential election. Kérékou stood as party's candidate in the presidential election of March 4 and 18 March 2001, winning 45.4% of the popular vote in the first round and 84.1% in the second round. The second round was boycotted by the main contenders.

Action Front for Renewal and Development

The Action Front for Renewal and Development (French: Front d'action pour le renouveau et le développement, FARD-Alafia) is an political party in Benin. FARD-Alafia was founded in 1994 and supported the candidacy of Mathieu Kérékou in the 1996 presidential election. Kérékou stood as party's candidate in the presidential election of March 4 and 18 March 2001, winning 45.4% of the popular vote in the first round and 84.1% in the second round. The second round was boycotted by the main contenders.