Active Kidz

Active Kidz is a short series of exercise television programs to encourage children to be more physically active, which was broadcast on the ABC at 4.30 pm weekdays in Australia, it was presented by Scott Ehler and Amy Wilkins. The show was apparently very popular with children and won several awards including Best Music for Children's Television. Scott and Amy provide children with information about staying fit and healthy and present a dance routine which is taught to the audience in each show. The Active Kidz team toured the UK and the US in 2007 and 2008.

Active Kidz

Active Kidz is a short series of exercise television programs to encourage children to be more physically active, which was broadcast on the ABC at 4.30 pm weekdays in Australia, it was presented by Scott Ehler and Amy Wilkins. The show was apparently very popular with children and won several awards including Best Music for Children's Television. Scott and Amy provide children with information about staying fit and healthy and present a dance routine which is taught to the audience in each show. The Active Kidz team toured the UK and the US in 2007 and 2008.