Acts of the 88th Minnesota Legislature

The acts of the 88th Minnesota Legislature includes all acts by the 88th Minnesota Legislature, which lasts from January 8, 2013 to January 5, 2015. Bills are enacted after being passed by the Legislature and signed by the governor. However, if the governor vetoes a bill or line-item vetoes items that appropriate money in a bill, the bill or items can still be enacted by a two-thirds vote in both houses, unless the Legislature by adjournment prevents the bill's return.

Acts of the 88th Minnesota Legislature

The acts of the 88th Minnesota Legislature includes all acts by the 88th Minnesota Legislature, which lasts from January 8, 2013 to January 5, 2015. Bills are enacted after being passed by the Legislature and signed by the governor. However, if the governor vetoes a bill or line-item vetoes items that appropriate money in a bill, the bill or items can still be enacted by a two-thirds vote in both houses, unless the Legislature by adjournment prevents the bill's return.