Adult interaction with infants

When adults come into contact with infants, it is unlikely that they would be able to have a proper conversation, as the infant would not know enough about pop culture or general knowledge to create a stimulating conversation for the adult. Also, the adult may not understand baby-language and cannot relate to their situation properly. Therefore, the adult often changes their persona (and communicates in a way they wouldn't with other adults) in order to try to elicit a reaction from the infant, to teach them life lessons, or to physically stimulate them. They may simplify their speech to concise sentences or words for them to repeat, or speak in nonsensical phrases (known as baby talk). They may make simple movements with their finger (such as circles) on objects for them to copy, or point

Adult interaction with infants

When adults come into contact with infants, it is unlikely that they would be able to have a proper conversation, as the infant would not know enough about pop culture or general knowledge to create a stimulating conversation for the adult. Also, the adult may not understand baby-language and cannot relate to their situation properly. Therefore, the adult often changes their persona (and communicates in a way they wouldn't with other adults) in order to try to elicit a reaction from the infant, to teach them life lessons, or to physically stimulate them. They may simplify their speech to concise sentences or words for them to repeat, or speak in nonsensical phrases (known as baby talk). They may make simple movements with their finger (such as circles) on objects for them to copy, or point