Adventure Kid

Adventure Kid (Japanese: アドベンチャーKID Hepburn: Adobenchā Kiddo) is an erotic manga series written and illustrated by Toshio Maeda. It was published by Wanimagazine into four volumes from 1988 to 1989 and it was adapted into an original video animation (OVA). Mixing horror, fantasy and comedy, it follows Norizaku and Midori as they find a demonic computer that sends them to Hell and destroy their world. They are transported to a World War II setting and they have to prevent their future to be ruined.

Adventure Kid

Adventure Kid (Japanese: アドベンチャーKID Hepburn: Adobenchā Kiddo) is an erotic manga series written and illustrated by Toshio Maeda. It was published by Wanimagazine into four volumes from 1988 to 1989 and it was adapted into an original video animation (OVA). Mixing horror, fantasy and comedy, it follows Norizaku and Midori as they find a demonic computer that sends them to Hell and destroy their world. They are transported to a World War II setting and they have to prevent their future to be ruined.