After Sex (1997 film)

After Sex (French: Post Coïtum, Animal Triste) is a 1997 film by French director Brigitte Roüan. Roüan stars in the film as Diane Clovier, a married mother of two who has an affair with the friend of a young writer she is mentoring. Meanwhile, her husband, a lawyer, is defending a woman charged with murdering her unfaithful spouse. The Latinate provenance of the title is explained here.

After Sex (1997 film)

After Sex (French: Post Coïtum, Animal Triste) is a 1997 film by French director Brigitte Roüan. Roüan stars in the film as Diane Clovier, a married mother of two who has an affair with the friend of a young writer she is mentoring. Meanwhile, her husband, a lawyer, is defending a woman charged with murdering her unfaithful spouse. The Latinate provenance of the title is explained here.