
Age/sex/location (commonly referred to by the shorthand A/S/L, asl or ASL) is an article of Internet slang used in instant messaging programs and in Internet chatrooms. It is used as a question to find out the age, sex (or gender), and general location of the person one is talking to. This concept brings up ethical questions regarding users "chang[ing their] identity, adopt[ing] new personalities and keep[ing] dreams and fantasies virtually real" in the internet world.


Age/sex/location (commonly referred to by the shorthand A/S/L, asl or ASL) is an article of Internet slang used in instant messaging programs and in Internet chatrooms. It is used as a question to find out the age, sex (or gender), and general location of the person one is talking to. This concept brings up ethical questions regarding users "chang[ing their] identity, adopt[ing] new personalities and keep[ing] dreams and fantasies virtually real" in the internet world.