Ajnad al-Sham

The Ajnad al-Sham (Arabic: أجناد الشام‎‎, Soldiers of the Levant) is an independent Idlib and Hama-based rebel group active during the Syrian Civil War. It joined the Army of Conquest on 24 March 2015 and took part in the Second Battle of Idlib. On 29 March 2014, it announced that its military leader, Abu Abdullah Taoum, was killed during clashes around al-Fouaa. In May 2016, a statement by the group threatened to retaliate against government forces if demands related to a prison riot in Hama were not met.

Ajnad al-Sham

The Ajnad al-Sham (Arabic: أجناد الشام‎‎, Soldiers of the Levant) is an independent Idlib and Hama-based rebel group active during the Syrian Civil War. It joined the Army of Conquest on 24 March 2015 and took part in the Second Battle of Idlib. On 29 March 2014, it announced that its military leader, Abu Abdullah Taoum, was killed during clashes around al-Fouaa. In May 2016, a statement by the group threatened to retaliate against government forces if demands related to a prison riot in Hama were not met.