Alberta Pandas women's ice hockey

The Alberta Pandas women's ice hockey team represents the University of Alberta in the Canada West Universities Athletic Association of the Canadian Interuniversity Sport athletic association. Since joining the CIS in 1997, their only head coach has been Howie Draper. On January 25, 2011, it was announced that the 1999-2000 University of Alberta Pandas hockey team would be inducted into the Alberta Hockey Hall of Fame.

Alberta Pandas women's ice hockey

The Alberta Pandas women's ice hockey team represents the University of Alberta in the Canada West Universities Athletic Association of the Canadian Interuniversity Sport athletic association. Since joining the CIS in 1997, their only head coach has been Howie Draper. On January 25, 2011, it was announced that the 1999-2000 University of Alberta Pandas hockey team would be inducted into the Alberta Hockey Hall of Fame.