Alex (comic strip)

Alex is a British cartoon strip by Charles Peattie and Russell Taylor. It first appeared in the short-lived London Daily News in 1987. It moved to The Independent later that year and then to the Daily Telegraph in 1992. A translated version was published in the German newspaper Financial Times Deutschland. It has also been published translated into Dutch for some years in the main financial newspaper of the Netherlands, "Het Financieele Dagblad" (FD), around the turn of the century.

Alex (comic strip)

Alex is a British cartoon strip by Charles Peattie and Russell Taylor. It first appeared in the short-lived London Daily News in 1987. It moved to The Independent later that year and then to the Daily Telegraph in 1992. A translated version was published in the German newspaper Financial Times Deutschland. It has also been published translated into Dutch for some years in the main financial newspaper of the Netherlands, "Het Financieele Dagblad" (FD), around the turn of the century.