Alexis Tam

Alexis Tam Chong Veng (Chinese: 譚俊榮; born July 1962), is the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of Macau, fifth most senior government official in Macau. Tam was born in Myanmar on July 1962. He received a bachelor's in business administration from National Chengchi University and a bachelor's in law from China University of Political Science and Law. He also earned a master's degree in international business and entrepreneurship from the University of Glasgow along with a PhD in business Administration from Nankai University. Tam also has two higher education degrees in Portuguese language and culture from the Lisbon University Institute and human resource management and strategic management from the Catholic University of Portugal. Tam was the Chief of Office of the Chief Executive

Alexis Tam

Alexis Tam Chong Veng (Chinese: 譚俊榮; born July 1962), is the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of Macau, fifth most senior government official in Macau. Tam was born in Myanmar on July 1962. He received a bachelor's in business administration from National Chengchi University and a bachelor's in law from China University of Political Science and Law. He also earned a master's degree in international business and entrepreneurship from the University of Glasgow along with a PhD in business Administration from Nankai University. Tam also has two higher education degrees in Portuguese language and culture from the Lisbon University Institute and human resource management and strategic management from the Catholic University of Portugal. Tam was the Chief of Office of the Chief Executive