Alibori Department

Alibori is the largest and northernmost département of Benin, with an area of 26,242 km² and a population of 868,046 (at the May 2013 Census). The départment borders the countries of Burkina Faso, Niger, and Nigeria. The départments of Atakora and Borgou also border Alibori. The département of Alibori was created in 1999 when it was split off from Borgou Department. Since 2008, the capital has been Kandi.

Alibori Department

Alibori is the largest and northernmost département of Benin, with an area of 26,242 km² and a population of 868,046 (at the May 2013 Census). The départment borders the countries of Burkina Faso, Niger, and Nigeria. The départments of Atakora and Borgou also border Alibori. The département of Alibori was created in 1999 when it was split off from Borgou Department. Since 2008, the capital has been Kandi.