
Alice-Miranda is a fictional main character in a children's book series of the same name. The Alice-Miranda book series chronicles the adventures of a young student at the Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale Academy for Proper Young Ladies. Alice-Miranda At School is the first book in the series and was published in 2010. The series was created by Australian author Jacqueline Harvey, a teacher and former Deputy Head of Junior School and Director of Development at Abbotsleigh. Harvey created the Alice-Miranda series based on her teaching experiences at boarding schools. The series is sold throughout Australia, United States, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Turkey, Hungary and Brazil.


Alice-Miranda is a fictional main character in a children's book series of the same name. The Alice-Miranda book series chronicles the adventures of a young student at the Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale Academy for Proper Young Ladies. Alice-Miranda At School is the first book in the series and was published in 2010. The series was created by Australian author Jacqueline Harvey, a teacher and former Deputy Head of Junior School and Director of Development at Abbotsleigh. Harvey created the Alice-Miranda series based on her teaching experiences at boarding schools. The series is sold throughout Australia, United States, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Turkey, Hungary and Brazil.