All Hail West Texas

All Hail West Texas is the sixth studio album by the Mountain Goats. After the slight increase in production values on 2000's The Coroner's Gambit, All Hail West Texas is the last Mountain Goats album recorded entirely on John Darnielle's trademark Panasonic RX-FT500 boombox. It is also the last album by the Mountain Goats to only feature John Darnielle. When the promotional copies of this album were sent out, a unique General Highway Map of a part of West Texas was included in the mailing. Apparently this was not acknowledged by any of the critics who received it.

All Hail West Texas

All Hail West Texas is the sixth studio album by the Mountain Goats. After the slight increase in production values on 2000's The Coroner's Gambit, All Hail West Texas is the last Mountain Goats album recorded entirely on John Darnielle's trademark Panasonic RX-FT500 boombox. It is also the last album by the Mountain Goats to only feature John Darnielle. When the promotional copies of this album were sent out, a unique General Highway Map of a part of West Texas was included in the mailing. Apparently this was not acknowledged by any of the critics who received it.