All the Young Punks

All the young punks Laugh your life Cos there ain't much to cry for All the young cunts Live it now Cos there ain't much to die for —Chorus My bumming slumming friends have got new boots And someone just asked me if the group would wear suits. —Garageland "All the Young Punks" is the tenth and final track on The Clash's 1978 album Give 'Em Enough Rope. The original American issue of the album retitled "All the Young Punks" to "That's No Way to Spend Your Youth". This was revised on later editions.

All the Young Punks

All the young punks Laugh your life Cos there ain't much to cry for All the young cunts Live it now Cos there ain't much to die for —Chorus My bumming slumming friends have got new boots And someone just asked me if the group would wear suits. —Garageland "All the Young Punks" is the tenth and final track on The Clash's 1978 album Give 'Em Enough Rope. The original American issue of the album retitled "All the Young Punks" to "That's No Way to Spend Your Youth". This was revised on later editions.