
JSC Concern VKO "Almaz-Antey" (Russian: ОАО "Концерн ВКО "Алмаз-Антей"») is a Russian state-owned company in the arms industry, a result of a merger of Antey Corporation and NPO Almaz, unifying some of the national military enterprises, in particular, the developers of anti-aircraft defence systems. The organisation is headquartered in Moscow and is the world's 12th-largest defence contractor measured by 2013 defence revenues. In 2013, Almaz-Antey had arms sales of $8.33 billion.


JSC Concern VKO "Almaz-Antey" (Russian: ОАО "Концерн ВКО "Алмаз-Антей"») is a Russian state-owned company in the arms industry, a result of a merger of Antey Corporation and NPO Almaz, unifying some of the national military enterprises, in particular, the developers of anti-aircraft defence systems. The organisation is headquartered in Moscow and is the world's 12th-largest defence contractor measured by 2013 defence revenues. In 2013, Almaz-Antey had arms sales of $8.33 billion.