Alpha Animation

Alpha Animation (Simplified Chinese: 广东奥飞动漫文化股份有限公司, Traditional: 廣東奧飛動漫文化股份有限公司, Pinyin: Guǎngdōng Aòfēi Dòngmàn Wénhuà Gǔfèng Yǒuxiàngōngsī, in short 奥飞动漫/奧飛動漫 Aòfēi Dòngmàn, English: Guangdong Alpha Animation and Culture Company) is a Chinese animation and toy company created by Cai Dongqing in 1993. In 2016, it changed name to Alpha Group (Simplified Chinese: 奥飞娱乐股份有限公司, Traditional: 奧飛娛樂股份有限公司, Pinyin: Guǎngdōng Aòfēi Yúlè Gǔfèng Yǒuxiàngōngsī). The company has a Chinese webcomics site, U17, and also an American film company, Alpha Pictures, and has announced the creation of an animation division also based in the United States.

Alpha Animation

Alpha Animation (Simplified Chinese: 广东奥飞动漫文化股份有限公司, Traditional: 廣東奧飛動漫文化股份有限公司, Pinyin: Guǎngdōng Aòfēi Dòngmàn Wénhuà Gǔfèng Yǒuxiàngōngsī, in short 奥飞动漫/奧飛動漫 Aòfēi Dòngmàn, English: Guangdong Alpha Animation and Culture Company) is a Chinese animation and toy company created by Cai Dongqing in 1993. In 2016, it changed name to Alpha Group (Simplified Chinese: 奥飞娱乐股份有限公司, Traditional: 奧飛娛樂股份有限公司, Pinyin: Guǎngdōng Aòfēi Yúlè Gǔfèng Yǒuxiàngōngsī). The company has a Chinese webcomics site, U17, and also an American film company, Alpha Pictures, and has announced the creation of an animation division also based in the United States.