
Altyn (Russian алты́н, also алты́нник altýnnik) is a historical Russian currency (symbol: ). The name is Tatar altı (алты) meaning "six", since it was worth 6 half-dengas (six halves, Russ. шесть полушек), equivalent to three kopek silver, then copper, a small value coin, or 180–206 copper puls. In the 2010s, the Eurasian Economic Commission drafted first proposals to revive the altyn once again by 2025 as a common currency of the Eurasian Economic Union, although western sanctions against Russia may cut the process to 3-5 years.


Altyn (Russian алты́н, also алты́нник altýnnik) is a historical Russian currency (symbol: ). The name is Tatar altı (алты) meaning "six", since it was worth 6 half-dengas (six halves, Russ. шесть полушек), equivalent to three kopek silver, then copper, a small value coin, or 180–206 copper puls. In the 2010s, the Eurasian Economic Commission drafted first proposals to revive the altyn once again by 2025 as a common currency of the Eurasian Economic Union, although western sanctions against Russia may cut the process to 3-5 years.