
Amanaskatā is the alert state of dynamic fullness of the self (atman), it is the condition where there is no mind, the mindless state; it is the state when the mind dissolves and the self shines. It is the transmental state which is also called no-mindedness (unmani) and yogic sleep (yoga-nidra) as the prolonged absorption in the formless ecstasy or nirvikalpa samadhi; it is the state in which the jivanmukta (liberated being) exists experiencing a sense of universality. According to the Laya-chintana of Antahkarana ('mind'), the mind is absorbed in Mahat (Buddhi), 'Individual Buddhi' is absorbed in the 'Cosmic Buddhi', 'Cosmic Buddhi' in Avyakta which is Brahman; in other words, the effect is absorbed into cause.


Amanaskatā is the alert state of dynamic fullness of the self (atman), it is the condition where there is no mind, the mindless state; it is the state when the mind dissolves and the self shines. It is the transmental state which is also called no-mindedness (unmani) and yogic sleep (yoga-nidra) as the prolonged absorption in the formless ecstasy or nirvikalpa samadhi; it is the state in which the jivanmukta (liberated being) exists experiencing a sense of universality. According to the Laya-chintana of Antahkarana ('mind'), the mind is absorbed in Mahat (Buddhi), 'Individual Buddhi' is absorbed in the 'Cosmic Buddhi', 'Cosmic Buddhi' in Avyakta which is Brahman; in other words, the effect is absorbed into cause.