Amaranth oil

Amaranth oil is extracted from the seeds of two species of the genus Amaranthus — A. cruentus and A. hypochondriacus — that are called, collectively, grain amaranth. A manufacturer of this unique oil writes: Chemically, the major constituents of amaranth oil are: The melting point of amaranth oil is -27 °C. The oil content of the actual amaranth grain ranges from 4.8 to 8.1%, which is relatively low compared to other sources of seed oil.

Amaranth oil

Amaranth oil is extracted from the seeds of two species of the genus Amaranthus — A. cruentus and A. hypochondriacus — that are called, collectively, grain amaranth. A manufacturer of this unique oil writes: Chemically, the major constituents of amaranth oil are: The melting point of amaranth oil is -27 °C. The oil content of the actual amaranth grain ranges from 4.8 to 8.1%, which is relatively low compared to other sources of seed oil.