American Fugitive: The Truth About Hassan

American Fugitive: The Truth About Hassan is a film, directed by Jean-Daniel Lafond, about an exiled American political activist named Dawud Salahuddin (also known as David Belfield and Hassan Abdulrahman). Belfield has confessed to assassinating a former Iranian diplomat, who supported the Shah of Iran, in 1980. Belfield unexpectedly appeared playing an exiled American political activist in the 2001 film Kandahar.Lafond then traveled to Iran to film the documentary about him.

American Fugitive: The Truth About Hassan

American Fugitive: The Truth About Hassan is a film, directed by Jean-Daniel Lafond, about an exiled American political activist named Dawud Salahuddin (also known as David Belfield and Hassan Abdulrahman). Belfield has confessed to assassinating a former Iranian diplomat, who supported the Shah of Iran, in 1980. Belfield unexpectedly appeared playing an exiled American political activist in the 2001 film Kandahar.Lafond then traveled to Iran to film the documentary about him.