Amsterdam Heritage Museums

Amsterdam Heritage Museums is a foundation composed of museums in Amsterdam, Netherlands that represent the city’s heritage. These museums are: the Amsterdam Museum, Museum Willet-Holthuysen, Museum Ons’ Lieve Heer Op Solder, and the Biblical Museum. The foundation was officially founded in 2014. The foundation start in 2010 when Paul Spies, director of the Amsterdam Museum, and Judikje Kiers of the Biblical Museum agreed on a partnership.

Amsterdam Heritage Museums

Amsterdam Heritage Museums is a foundation composed of museums in Amsterdam, Netherlands that represent the city’s heritage. These museums are: the Amsterdam Museum, Museum Willet-Holthuysen, Museum Ons’ Lieve Heer Op Solder, and the Biblical Museum. The foundation was officially founded in 2014. The foundation start in 2010 when Paul Spies, director of the Amsterdam Museum, and Judikje Kiers of the Biblical Museum agreed on a partnership.