Anastasia (Boardwalk Empire)

"Anastasia" is the fourth episode of the first season of the HBO television series Boardwalk Empire, which premiered October 10, 2010. It was written by co-executive producer Lawrence Konner and supervising producer Margaret Nagle and directed by Jeremy Podeswa. The episode received generally favourable reviews from television critics. The episode centres on Nucky celebrating his birthday and Jimmy getting settled into his new home, Chicago.

Anastasia (Boardwalk Empire)

"Anastasia" is the fourth episode of the first season of the HBO television series Boardwalk Empire, which premiered October 10, 2010. It was written by co-executive producer Lawrence Konner and supervising producer Margaret Nagle and directed by Jeremy Podeswa. The episode received generally favourable reviews from television critics. The episode centres on Nucky celebrating his birthday and Jimmy getting settled into his new home, Chicago.