Archive Team

Archive Team is a group dedicated to preserving digital history that was founded by Jason Scott in 2009. Its primary focus is the copying and preservation of content housed by at-risk services. Some of its projects include the partial preservation of GeoCities, Yahoo! Video, Google Video, Splinder, Friendster, FortuneCity, TwitPic and the "Aaron Swartz Memorial JSTOR Liberator". Archive Team also archives URL shortener services and wikis on a regular basis.

Archive Team

Archive Team is a group dedicated to preserving digital history that was founded by Jason Scott in 2009. Its primary focus is the copying and preservation of content housed by at-risk services. Some of its projects include the partial preservation of GeoCities, Yahoo! Video, Google Video, Splinder, Friendster, FortuneCity, TwitPic and the "Aaron Swartz Memorial JSTOR Liberator". Archive Team also archives URL shortener services and wikis on a regular basis.