Armed forces of the Netherlands

The Armed forces of the Netherlands consist of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. The service branches consist of: * Koninklijke Landmacht (KL), Royal Netherlands Army. * Koninklijke Marine (KM), Royal Netherlands Navy and Korps Mariniers, Marine Corps. * Koninklijke Luchtmacht (KLu), Royal Netherlands Air Force. * Koninklijke Marechaussee (KMar), Royal Military Constabulary.

Armed forces of the Netherlands

The Armed forces of the Netherlands consist of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. The service branches consist of: * Koninklijke Landmacht (KL), Royal Netherlands Army. * Koninklijke Marine (KM), Royal Netherlands Navy and Korps Mariniers, Marine Corps. * Koninklijke Luchtmacht (KLu), Royal Netherlands Air Force. * Koninklijke Marechaussee (KMar), Royal Military Constabulary.