Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day

Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day (Armenian: Մեծ Եղեռնի զոհերի հիշատակի օր Mets Yegherrni zoheri hishataki or; Russian: Геноцид армян День памяти, Genotsid armyan Den' pamyati; Turkish: Ermeni Soykırımı Anma Günü) or Armenian Genocide Memorial Day is a national holiday in Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and is observed by the Armenian diaspora on April 24. It is held annually to commemorate the victims of the Armenian Genocide of 1915. In Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, hundreds of thousands of people walk to the Tsitsernakaberd Genocide Memorial to lay flowers at the eternal flame.

Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day

Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day (Armenian: Մեծ Եղեռնի զոհերի հիշատակի օր Mets Yegherrni zoheri hishataki or; Russian: Геноцид армян День памяти, Genotsid armyan Den' pamyati; Turkish: Ermeni Soykırımı Anma Günü) or Armenian Genocide Memorial Day is a national holiday in Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and is observed by the Armenian diaspora on April 24. It is held annually to commemorate the victims of the Armenian Genocide of 1915. In Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, hundreds of thousands of people walk to the Tsitsernakaberd Genocide Memorial to lay flowers at the eternal flame.