Armenian Genocide reparations

The issue of Armenian Genocide reparations derives from the Armenian Genocide of 1915 committed by the Ottoman Empire. Henry Theriault, writing in the Armenian Weekly, states these might be of financial, estate or territorial nature, and could cover individual or collective claims as well as those by the Republic of Armenia. It is questioned whether the Republic of Turkey, successor state to the Ottoman Empire, will ever enter the debate, or whether Turkey bears any legal responsibility to make reparations for events that occurred under another state.

Armenian Genocide reparations

The issue of Armenian Genocide reparations derives from the Armenian Genocide of 1915 committed by the Ottoman Empire. Henry Theriault, writing in the Armenian Weekly, states these might be of financial, estate or territorial nature, and could cover individual or collective claims as well as those by the Republic of Armenia. It is questioned whether the Republic of Turkey, successor state to the Ottoman Empire, will ever enter the debate, or whether Turkey bears any legal responsibility to make reparations for events that occurred under another state.