Armenian National Constitution

Armenian National Constitution (Armenian: Հայ ազգային սահմանադրութիւն Hay azkayin sahmanatroutioun) or Regulation of the Armenian Nation (Turkish: Nizâmnâme-i Millet-i Ermeniyân, نظامنامهٔ ملّت ارمنیان) was 1863 Ottoman Empire approved form of the "Code of Regulations" composed of 150 articles drafted by the Armenian intelligentsia (Dr. Nahabet Rusinian, Dr. Servichen, Nigoğayos Balyan, Krikor Odian and Krikor Margosian), which define the powers of Patriarch (position in Ottoman Millet) and newly formed "Armenian National Assembly". This code is still active among Armenian Church in diaspora.

Armenian National Constitution

Armenian National Constitution (Armenian: Հայ ազգային սահմանադրութիւն Hay azkayin sahmanatroutioun) or Regulation of the Armenian Nation (Turkish: Nizâmnâme-i Millet-i Ermeniyân, نظامنامهٔ ملّت ارمنیان) was 1863 Ottoman Empire approved form of the "Code of Regulations" composed of 150 articles drafted by the Armenian intelligentsia (Dr. Nahabet Rusinian, Dr. Servichen, Nigoğayos Balyan, Krikor Odian and Krikor Margosian), which define the powers of Patriarch (position in Ottoman Millet) and newly formed "Armenian National Assembly". This code is still active among Armenian Church in diaspora.