Army creole

Army creole was a term used in Tom Wolfe's book The Right Stuff to describe an English dialect spoken by military personnel. The dialect relies upon extensive use of profane intensifiers like fuck to gain attention in confusing circumstances requiring prompt, decisive action. Before 1980, basic training drill instructors, drill sergeants, military training instructors, and recruit division commanders used the dialect to increase the stress-levels of recruits, simultaneously emphasizing a recruit's subordinate status to the instructor, and increasing the probability of the recruit focusing on the instructions being provided in distracting situations. Military personnel learning the dialect in training may use it to improve communication in stressful situations. It may also become a preferre

Army creole

Army creole was a term used in Tom Wolfe's book The Right Stuff to describe an English dialect spoken by military personnel. The dialect relies upon extensive use of profane intensifiers like fuck to gain attention in confusing circumstances requiring prompt, decisive action. Before 1980, basic training drill instructors, drill sergeants, military training instructors, and recruit division commanders used the dialect to increase the stress-levels of recruits, simultaneously emphasizing a recruit's subordinate status to the instructor, and increasing the probability of the recruit focusing on the instructions being provided in distracting situations. Military personnel learning the dialect in training may use it to improve communication in stressful situations. It may also become a preferre