Asaph the Jew

Asaph the Jew (Biblical Hebrew: אסף היהודי‎‎ Assaf HayYehudi, also known as Asaph ben Berechiah and Asaph Judaeus) was the first Hebrew medical writer. He lived somewhere from the third to the seventh century, corresponding to the post-Talmudic period. His work, Sefer Refuot "Book of Medicines", was one of the most important preserved Hebrew medical works. The "Oath of Asaph" resembles the Hippocratic Oath and was taken by medical students at their graduation. The Assaf HaRofeh Medical Center of Israel is named after him.

Asaph the Jew

Asaph the Jew (Biblical Hebrew: אסף היהודי‎‎ Assaf HayYehudi, also known as Asaph ben Berechiah and Asaph Judaeus) was the first Hebrew medical writer. He lived somewhere from the third to the seventh century, corresponding to the post-Talmudic period. His work, Sefer Refuot "Book of Medicines", was one of the most important preserved Hebrew medical works. The "Oath of Asaph" resembles the Hippocratic Oath and was taken by medical students at their graduation. The Assaf HaRofeh Medical Center of Israel is named after him.