Asian Monetary Unit

The Asian Monetary Unit (AMU) is a basket of currencies proposed by the Japanese government's Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI). It is similar to the European Currency Unit (ECU), predecessor to the euro. The calculation methodology of the AMU-wide and AMU-wide Deviation Indicators are same as those of the AMU. The benchmark period is defined as: * the total trade balance of member countries * the total trade balance of the member countries (excluding Japan) with Japan, * the total trade balance of member countries with the rest of world

Asian Monetary Unit

The Asian Monetary Unit (AMU) is a basket of currencies proposed by the Japanese government's Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI). It is similar to the European Currency Unit (ECU), predecessor to the euro. The calculation methodology of the AMU-wide and AMU-wide Deviation Indicators are same as those of the AMU. The benchmark period is defined as: * the total trade balance of member countries * the total trade balance of the member countries (excluding Japan) with Japan, * the total trade balance of member countries with the rest of world