Askr Svarte

Askr Svarte (From misspelled Old-Norse Svartr Askr: Black Ashtree, [means Black (side) of World Tree Yggdrasil], real name Evgeny Nechkasov (Cryllic: Евгений Нечкасов) is a Russian Odinist activist and pagan traditionalism ideologist. He is also an author, lecturer and philosopher. He is the founder of the Svarte Aske Community of Pagans. His work has focused on the Traditionalism Philosophy in pagan view and the Left Hand Path in Odinism.

Askr Svarte

Askr Svarte (From misspelled Old-Norse Svartr Askr: Black Ashtree, [means Black (side) of World Tree Yggdrasil], real name Evgeny Nechkasov (Cryllic: Евгений Нечкасов) is a Russian Odinist activist and pagan traditionalism ideologist. He is also an author, lecturer and philosopher. He is the founder of the Svarte Aske Community of Pagans. His work has focused on the Traditionalism Philosophy in pagan view and the Left Hand Path in Odinism.