Atma Upanishad

The Atma Upanishad (Sanskrit: आत्मा उपनिषत्), is one of the minor Upanishadic texts of Hinduism, written in Sanskrit language. It is one of the 31 Upanishads, associated with the Atharvaveda. It is classified as a Samanya (general) and Vedantic Upanishad. The Upanishad describes three types of Self (atman): the external self (body), the inner self (individual soul) and the highest self (the Brahman, Paramatma, Purusha). The text asserts that one must meditate, during Yoga, on the highest self as one's self that is partless, spotless, changeless, desireless, indescribable, all-penetrating.

Atma Upanishad

The Atma Upanishad (Sanskrit: आत्मा उपनिषत्), is one of the minor Upanishadic texts of Hinduism, written in Sanskrit language. It is one of the 31 Upanishads, associated with the Atharvaveda. It is classified as a Samanya (general) and Vedantic Upanishad. The Upanishad describes three types of Self (atman): the external self (body), the inner self (individual soul) and the highest self (the Brahman, Paramatma, Purusha). The text asserts that one must meditate, during Yoga, on the highest self as one's self that is partless, spotless, changeless, desireless, indescribable, all-penetrating.