Attached Support Processor

Attached Support Processor (ASP) was an implementation of loosely coupled multiprocessing for IBM's OS/360 operating system. IBM later changed the name to Asymmetrical multiProcessor but retained the acronym ASP. ASP evolved from the design of the 7094/7044 direct coupled system, using data channel to data channel communication. By attaching an IBM 7044 as a peripheral processor throughput of the 7094 was more than doubled. ASP was introduced in March 1967, and initially allowed connection of two System/360 computers via a channel-to-channel adapter (CTCA).

Attached Support Processor

Attached Support Processor (ASP) was an implementation of loosely coupled multiprocessing for IBM's OS/360 operating system. IBM later changed the name to Asymmetrical multiProcessor but retained the acronym ASP. ASP evolved from the design of the 7094/7044 direct coupled system, using data channel to data channel communication. By attaching an IBM 7044 as a peripheral processor throughput of the 7094 was more than doubled. ASP was introduced in March 1967, and initially allowed connection of two System/360 computers via a channel-to-channel adapter (CTCA).