AudioPorn Records

AudioPorn Records is a British independent record label based in Essex. It releases electronic music, primarily drum and bass. It was founded in 2007 by producer Shimon Alcoby. AudioPorn Records is credited with the discovery of Dirtyphonics, who won "Best Newcomer Producer" award from Drum and Bass Arena in 2009. Recent signings include Xilent and Youthstar who have been nominated as "Best Newcomer Producer" and "Best Newcomer MC" respectively by the Drum and Bass Arena Awards in 2011. AudioPorn have their own stage at Vienna’s Beatpatrol festival, one of Europe’s major annual festivals.

AudioPorn Records

AudioPorn Records is a British independent record label based in Essex. It releases electronic music, primarily drum and bass. It was founded in 2007 by producer Shimon Alcoby. AudioPorn Records is credited with the discovery of Dirtyphonics, who won "Best Newcomer Producer" award from Drum and Bass Arena in 2009. Recent signings include Xilent and Youthstar who have been nominated as "Best Newcomer Producer" and "Best Newcomer MC" respectively by the Drum and Bass Arena Awards in 2011. AudioPorn have their own stage at Vienna’s Beatpatrol festival, one of Europe’s major annual festivals.