Audio Signal Processor

The Audio Signal Processor or ASP (also known as the SoundDroid) is a large-scale digital signal processor developed by James A. Moorer at Lucasfilm's The Droid Works. He programmed a number of Digital signal processing algorithms that were used in major motion picture features. Sounds processed by the ASP were used in the THX logo's Deep Note, Return of the Jedi, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and others.

Audio Signal Processor

The Audio Signal Processor or ASP (also known as the SoundDroid) is a large-scale digital signal processor developed by James A. Moorer at Lucasfilm's The Droid Works. He programmed a number of Digital signal processing algorithms that were used in major motion picture features. Sounds processed by the ASP were used in the THX logo's Deep Note, Return of the Jedi, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and others.