Austrian Business Agency

Austrian Business Agency – Österreichische Industrieansiedlungs- und WirtschaftswerbungsgmbH (ABA-Invest in Austria) is the national investment promotion company of the Republic of Austria. The organization is responsible for acquiring and providing professional consulting services to foreign companies which want to establish a subsidiary or business operations in Austria. ABA provides information about Austria as a business location and advises companies on all relevant issues. The business settlement agency was founded as ICD Austria by the ÖIAG in 1982, and renamed Austrian Business Agency (ABA) in 1995. On the occasion of its 25th anniversary in 2007, ABA changed its corporate design and now uses the name ABA-Invest in Austria instead of Austrian Business Agency, because it more clearl

Austrian Business Agency

Austrian Business Agency – Österreichische Industrieansiedlungs- und WirtschaftswerbungsgmbH (ABA-Invest in Austria) is the national investment promotion company of the Republic of Austria. The organization is responsible for acquiring and providing professional consulting services to foreign companies which want to establish a subsidiary or business operations in Austria. ABA provides information about Austria as a business location and advises companies on all relevant issues. The business settlement agency was founded as ICD Austria by the ÖIAG in 1982, and renamed Austrian Business Agency (ABA) in 1995. On the occasion of its 25th anniversary in 2007, ABA changed its corporate design and now uses the name ABA-Invest in Austria instead of Austrian Business Agency, because it more clearl