Austrostipa ramosissima

Austrostipa ramosissima, the Stout Bamboo Grass grows in moist areas in eastern Australia. It is often found in well drained habitats in eucalyptus woodlands or forests. The bunchgrass may reach 2.5 metres (8.2 ft) tall. Flowering may occur at any time of the year. Cultivation Austrostipa ramosissima is cultivated as an ornamental grass by plant nurseries, for use in gardens and drought tolerant landscaping. It is planted in the ground and in pots.

Austrostipa ramosissima

Austrostipa ramosissima, the Stout Bamboo Grass grows in moist areas in eastern Australia. It is often found in well drained habitats in eucalyptus woodlands or forests. The bunchgrass may reach 2.5 metres (8.2 ft) tall. Flowering may occur at any time of the year. Cultivation Austrostipa ramosissima is cultivated as an ornamental grass by plant nurseries, for use in gardens and drought tolerant landscaping. It is planted in the ground and in pots.