Avalon (webcomic)

Avalon was a webcomic by Josh Phillips set in the fictional city of Avalon, Ontario, Canada. It focused on a group of high school students, and while it was originally gag-a-day, it evolved into a coherent, long-term story with realistic characters. The comic launched on 8 November 1999 and was originally scheduled to end in August 2002. Avalon was a member of Keenspot.

Avalon (webcomic)

Avalon was a webcomic by Josh Phillips set in the fictional city of Avalon, Ontario, Canada. It focused on a group of high school students, and while it was originally gag-a-day, it evolved into a coherent, long-term story with realistic characters. The comic launched on 8 November 1999 and was originally scheduled to end in August 2002. Avalon was a member of Keenspot.