Béoumi Department

Béoumi Department is a department of Gbêkê Region in Vallée du Bandama District, Ivory Coast. In 2014, its population was 154,206 and its seat is the settlement of Béoumi. The sub-prefectures of the department are Ando-Kékrénou, Béoumi, Bodokro, Kondrobo, Lolobo, Marabadiassa, and N'Guessankro.

Béoumi Department

Béoumi Department is a department of Gbêkê Region in Vallée du Bandama District, Ivory Coast. In 2014, its population was 154,206 and its seat is the settlement of Béoumi. The sub-prefectures of the department are Ando-Kékrénou, Béoumi, Bodokro, Kondrobo, Lolobo, Marabadiassa, and N'Guessankro.