B. Happy

B. Happy (1999) Is a Cartoon Network "World Premiere Toons" series created by Mark Newgarden. It was originally produced in Flash 3.0 by Funny Garbage. The series lasted four episodes and ran 24 hours a day on cartoonnetwork.com from 1999–2003. In each episode B. Happy, a reluctant Bluebird Of Happiness, is dispatched to Earth by Maureen, the Goddess of Happiness, to help determine a case of personal human misery. If B. Happy chooses incorrectly he is made personally miserable himself by the angry Goddess. If he chooses correctly, he is rewarded with complex carbohydrates. The viewer (augmented by the technological marvel of CLICK-O-RAMA) helps the decide the fate of each case and of B. Happy himself.

B. Happy

B. Happy (1999) Is a Cartoon Network "World Premiere Toons" series created by Mark Newgarden. It was originally produced in Flash 3.0 by Funny Garbage. The series lasted four episodes and ran 24 hours a day on cartoonnetwork.com from 1999–2003. In each episode B. Happy, a reluctant Bluebird Of Happiness, is dispatched to Earth by Maureen, the Goddess of Happiness, to help determine a case of personal human misery. If B. Happy chooses incorrectly he is made personally miserable himself by the angry Goddess. If he chooses correctly, he is rewarded with complex carbohydrates. The viewer (augmented by the technological marvel of CLICK-O-RAMA) helps the decide the fate of each case and of B. Happy himself.