
Backbiting, backstabbing, or tale-bearing is to slander someone in their absence — to bite them behind their back. Originally, backbiting referred to an unsporting attack from the rear in the blood sport of bearbaiting. In Judaism, backbiting is known as Lashon hara (the evil tongue) and it is considered a sin based on the verse in Psalms 34:13: "Stop your tongue from evil; and your lips from iniquity." In Buddhism, backbiting goes against the ideal of right speech.


Backbiting, backstabbing, or tale-bearing is to slander someone in their absence — to bite them behind their back. Originally, backbiting referred to an unsporting attack from the rear in the blood sport of bearbaiting. In Judaism, backbiting is known as Lashon hara (the evil tongue) and it is considered a sin based on the verse in Psalms 34:13: "Stop your tongue from evil; and your lips from iniquity." In Buddhism, backbiting goes against the ideal of right speech.