Baden gulden

The Gulden was a currency of Baden from 1754 until 1873. Until 1821, the Gulden was a unit of account, worth  5⁄12 of a Conventionsthaler, used to denominate banknotes but not issued as a coin. It was subdivided into 50 Conventionskreuzer or 60 Kreuzer landmünze. In 1821, the first Gulden coins were issued, equal to the previous Gulden and subdivided into 60 Kreuzer. Between 1829 and 1837, the Thaler was the currency of Baden, worth 100 Kreuzer.

Baden gulden

The Gulden was a currency of Baden from 1754 until 1873. Until 1821, the Gulden was a unit of account, worth  5⁄12 of a Conventionsthaler, used to denominate banknotes but not issued as a coin. It was subdivided into 50 Conventionskreuzer or 60 Kreuzer landmünze. In 1821, the first Gulden coins were issued, equal to the previous Gulden and subdivided into 60 Kreuzer. Between 1829 and 1837, the Thaler was the currency of Baden, worth 100 Kreuzer.